Thursday, August 15, 2019
Project Proposal for Ministry of Trade Web Portal
COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPARTMENT PROJECT PROPOSAL FOR MINISTRY OF TRADE WEB PORTAL PRESENTED BY: RAHAB WAMBUI KIARIE REG NO: SP13/20526/08 COURSE CODE: COMP 402 PRESENTED TO: MR. OMWOYO SUBMISSION TIME: OCTOBER 2011 A project proposal submitted in partial fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science of Egerton University. Table of Contents ABSTRACT3 CHAPTER ONE: 1. 0 INTRODUCTION4 1. 1 PROBLEM STATEMENT4 1. 2 OBJECTIVES5 CHAPTER TWO: 2. 0 LITERATURE REVIEW5 2. SCOPE OF THE SYSTEM6 STARNDARD REQUIREMENT6 3. 0 SYSTEM REQUIREMENT6 3. 1) HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS6 3. 1. 1) APPLICATION PROGRAM6 3. 1. 2 Operating System6 CHAPTER FOUR: 4. 0 DEVELOPMENT PROCESS7 4. 1 PROJECT SCHEDULE AND BUDJET8 4. 1. 1 PROJECT SCHEDULE8 4. 1. 2 PROJECT BUDGET9 4. 1. 3 REFERENCES10 ? ABSTRACT As envisaged in Kenyaââ¬â¢s vision 2030, trade will be one of the key sectors to drive economic development of our country. The sector is the link between consumption and production within the economy and contributes towards the employment and wealth creation.There are tremendous potentials for trade to play a central role in driving and sustaining growth and poverty reduction in Kenya. The Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), cuts across all sectors of the Kenyan economy but face various development challenges like overreliance on agriculture which mainly depends on unpredictable weather, underdevelopment of Information, Communication and Technology and lack of market information of local goods both locally and internationally.This project will provide a solution to investors and MSMEs by providing information on the various investment opportunities available in Kenya apart from agriculture, know about the various trade policies to avoid unfair trade and also provide a platform where local companies can upload their company profiles and the ministry promotes their products at trade fairs at an international level. CHAPTER ONE: 1. 0 INTRODUCTIONThe Ministry of Tradeâ⬠â¢s current mandate is: Trade development policy; Development of micro and small business; Fair trade practices and consumer protection; Private sector development and international trade affairs. The ministry will champion the promotion of both domestic and foreign trade through creation of an enabling business and investment environment as highlighted in this project proposal. The purpose of this proposal is to explain in detail the aim of the project, the methods used in the implementation of the system, scope of the system and budget and time schedule for the implementation of the project.It begins with the introduction which introduces the system to be developed. The next part is the problem statement, the literature review, the scope of the system and the requirements for the system. In the scope of the system we have the system functionalities and its limitations. Since the system is to be developed within a located time frame and budget constraint, it is imperative that the proposal also contains the budget and time schedule. This explains the time schedule for the system and also the budget for the system. . 1 PROBLEM STATEMENT Kenya trade industry faces a number of challenges: unsound business regulatory framework leading to multiple licensing and heavy or cumbersome regulations for SMEs which in turn leads to high cost of business transactions; Lack of comprehensive trade information on the existing and emerging markets to investors and SMEs. Lack of sound business managerial skills and exposure to international best business practices has hampered the growth of the MSE sector.To overcome the problem a system needs to be developed with the springboard objective of providing Kenyans with a centralized location where they can get trade information and thus lead to economic growth and realization of vision 2030. 1. 2 OBJECTIVES 1. To develop a successful Ministry of Trade web portal 2. To identify conditions for successful implementation of a new impr oved system. 3. To enhance access of trade information to Kenyans. CHAPTER TWO: 2. 0 LITERATURE REVIEWHaving collected information on the ministry of trade I was able to define the main drawbacks associated with the services of the industry. Information sharing between the ministry and the business people is not easy. Enormous opportunities exist in the domestic, regional and international markets. These opportunities should be fully exploited through the systematic promotion of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and providing information to them.It is crucial to note that as trade becomes free and global, technological innovations will become increasingly important, offering consumers more and more options at cheaper prices in the country and all over the globe. With this system in place all the requests for trade information, will be available to recipients at any given time. Therefore potential usersââ¬â¢ are:- oInvestors both local and international. oConsumers. oOt her ministries in the government that work closely with ministry of trade. oOwners of small and medium sized businesses. 2. SCOPE OF THE SYSTEM The web portal will aid in the availing all the details of the trade industry. It will, as its name suggests, be place where the ministry can interact with the general public on matters pertaining its mode of operation. There are several issues about the systemââ¬â¢s scope. STARNDARD REQUIREMENT The requirements include the following: 1. Computers 3. 0 SYSTEM REQUIREMENT 3. 1) Hardware requirements ?Processor ââ¬â Pentium IV with 2. 0 GHz or higher ?Memory ââ¬â 1GB of RAM or more ?Hard Disk size ââ¬â 320 GB for host, 20 GB for client 3. 1. ) Application program Programming: PHP and JavaScript, Database design: MySQL, Interface: Macromedia Dream weaver, Macromedia fireworks, Macromedia Flash, Web browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Internet explorer, Web server: Apache, System: Linux and Windows. 3. 1. 2 Operating System ?Windows XP (32 -bit), Vista(32 ââ¬â 64-bit), or Windows 7 (32 ââ¬â 64-bit) ? Linux CHAPTER FOUR: 4. 0 DEVELOPMENT PROCESS The program development process will involve a number of steps as shown in the flow diagram below: 4. 1 PROJECT SCHEDULE AND BUDJET 4. 1. 1 Project scheduleMinistry of Trade web portal is a large project that can be accomplished in a period of six months which equates to two semesters. The initial loading of the system with data takes place at the commissioning of the system. A complete schedule is as below. Period/TimeActivityDescription November 2011 Acquisition of useà ¬ful Resources. This involves collecting the useful facts from the ministry of Trade November 2011Databases Design Building individual databases, tables and individual record sets and loading with sample test data. December 2011 o January 2012Defining Record setsInvolves defining relations of data within various databases and means of accessing them February 2012Creating a Graphià ¬cal User Interface Involves creating user interà ¬face that users of the system will use to search for information March 2012TestingInvolves testing the system with sample data and correcting any anomalies especially in the database design if any. April 2012Loading DatabasesInvolves clearing databases with test data and loading with actual data. May 2012Commissioning the System This involves deployment of the system, hosting it so that it can be accessed by anybody.Table 1) Project schedule 4. 1. 2 PROJECT BUDGET PARTICULARSQUANTITYUNIT PRICE (Kshs)TOTAL COST(Kshs) 1Transport 5000 2Storage devices flash drive, CDs2 GB Flash Drive 2 Compact Disks 1,000 252,000 50 3Printing expenses1000 4Stationery2 A4 Books 2 pens 100 25200 50 5Computer Machine and softwareAvailable but limited 6Internet costs 2000 7Airtime6000 TOTALKshs 16,300 Table 2) project budget 4. 1. 3 REFERENCES ?Ministry of Trade Strategic Plan 2008-2012. ?Hawryszkiewycz, I. (1998), Introduction to System Analysis and Design, Prentice Hall, A ustralia.
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