Friday, August 9, 2019

Race, Nation, and Modernity in Chinese Kung Fu movies Essay

Race, Nation, and Modernity in Chinese Kung Fu movies - Essay Example e other hand, critics of Art suggest that Art is the only power of unification that can eradicate all sorts of cultural, racial and sexual discrimination. Delving deep into the whole affair from a much pragmatic perspective unveils several other issues, which clearly signify that humanists and critics of Art do not have many things to optimize over such factors. Basically, the whole collaboration is established over attainment of more monetary profit form the film industry. There has always been a strong undercurrent of ethical identity and cross-culturalism in Hollywood film industry and the element of modernity is also well balanced with the racial differences. The factors of racism or cultural differentiation that humanists and sociologists boost over frequently have not changed much and they exist in the same level. At the initial level of such collaboration between Chinese stars and Hollywood, actors were chosen to play certain roles that actually focus over derogatory social structure of the Chinese society. Now the condition has developed to a great extent in that regard. In this context, the author has commented in the article â€Å"Racial Passing and Face Swapping in the Wild, Wild West† that â€Å"Compared with their predecessors in Hollywood who had to portray the stock array of Chinese domestic servants, laundrymen, mystics, gangsters, and prostitutes, the Hong Kong stars play more positive onscreen roles, appear to have more power in the making of their cinematic changes, and enjoy greater popularity among mainstream U.S. audiences.† (Lo, 147) Last part of the observation is quite significant as it states about the U.S. audience. Action in films and inclusion of subtlety in action are toe aspects that have been greatly cherished and appreciated by U.S. audience. Chinese culture of Marshal Art technique and Kung-Fu has satisfied such demands. At the same time Chinese culture has also received a great exposure through exposition in such films. Asian

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